June 19, 1889 Letter to Sherman

This letter apparently discusses an anthology of poems, perhaps in the English Men of Letters series. Warton, Brown, and Emerson all wrote poems. The Brownlee Brown poem is properly titled "Thalatta! Thalatta! Cry of the Ten Thousand."

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No reply needed

Cambridge, Mass

June 19, 1889

My dear Sherman

Thanks for
your note & for the 8th
vol. (which I will acknowledge to
the publishers, as requested).
It seems to me a marvel
of skill, especially in the way
you have kept the war-flavor
of the epoch; though I don't
quite see why you name
1880 as the hither limit.
It's pleasant to feel, too,
that the real vigor & freshness
of our literary movement
is kept through this period,
& that no apology is need

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Of course no two people will select
alike & I was sorry that you did
not add Warton's "All's well" (alias
Bugle Notes") to his "Ideals" ( not
Ideal.) But I think you have
a genius for selection. How
exquisite that "Ten Thousand" of
poor Brownlee Brown's — worthy
to be placed beside Emerson's
"Daughters of Fire." I add a few

Ever cordially

T. W. Higginson