October 10, 1897 Letter to Mrs. Ward

There were several people named Ward in Higginson's acquaintance. One of his close friends was Samuel G. Ward who also belonged to some of the same social and intellectual clubs in which Higginson was a member. The "Cantabrigia" was the Cantabrigia Club in Cambridge. Its name derives from the Latin roots of the word from which "cambridge" comes. The club was interested in women's education and brought in a variety of speakers on topics of the day.

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Oct. 10, 1897

Dear Mrs. Ward

I enclose
this. Her subject ( [unclear] ) is
good, but I know nothing
of the lady.

I admire the
energy and good judgement
of [unclear] . I know
Mr. Hawkins (A. Hope)
in London & liked him much.
If I can help you in receiving
him let me know. Your
cause must succeed.


T. W. Higginson