March 17, 1899 Letter to Herbert

Higginson writes in this letter to settle some arrangements for a visit to New York City where he was to lecture at Carnegie Hall. He apparently planned to stay at the Grand Union Hotel in New York and to visit the Century Club and the Hammond Club if possible.

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Cambridge Mass

Mar. 17, 1899

Dear Herbert

My postponed
lecture comes off at [lesser]
Carnegie Hall on Saturday
Eve's (Tomorrow) & I Expect
to be in NY. on Sunday.
I think Saturday evenings
is the Century [unclear] & if you
could renew my card there
I could go in as a vistor
[after] my lecture. They need
to gather there on Saturday
Evening, and perhaps [unclear]
every Saturday. Perhaps I
could [unclear] in at the [Hammond]
club on Sunday at some
time; but would not

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trouble you about the author's club unless
There is some special gathering there. At any
rate I shall come in & see you.


T. W. Higginson

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( Grand